Average adult size: Small, average, large, or very large (4-8ft)
Average body type/s: Medium-large with more fat, less muscle
Limb length:Medium
Tail: Long (60-100cm) and very wide (10cm+), very rounded with thick hair all over. Not very agile but incredibly strong and used as their main weapon, able to completely support that lop's entire weight.
Ears: Medium width and short in length, with very rounded tips. They are floppy and have no mobility.
Eyesight: Good, between 1-2km.
Smell: Limited
Taste: Limited
Touch: Good
Skin type: Combination
Teeth: Very sharp, carnivorous
Respiratory system: Lungs
Body temp: Very hot, can hurt to touch for cooler-blooded lops
Body hair: Moderate to abundant, and thick
Keratin: Claws
Agility: Strong, faster than most
Endurance: Some; rest to work ratio is 2:1.
Strength: Strong, can carry heavy objects with one arm
Constitution: Mediocre, occasionally gets mildly sick
Lifespan: Long, 100-130 years
Diet: Exclusively carnivore
Sleep: High, 9-12 hours a night. They sleep during almost all of the dark hours, from dusk til dawn, in order to preserve warmth and energy.
Reproductive system:Mammal.
Reproductive ability: Can produce children with aqualops, sealops, cavelops, cloudlops and bosklops.
Additional features: Very lazy in general, they're strong and love to play fight.
Average parentage/upbringing: No parents; raised by siblings. Parents deliver the child to where its siblings are living and then leave to recover on their own; if the child does not have siblings it is delivered to its cousins, or any group of children up to 5 years older than it. They are expected to learn together and protect each other, and they are naturally very, very good at it. Parents will very occasionally come to check on the children but generally do not meet them properly until they are 15, at which point they start training them for adulthood and integration into the larger community.
Average child rate: 4-6 children
Average familial bond: Extremely close, very involved in each others' lives, no boundaries
Average pathway of new adults: Never leave family/community
Average generational tradition: Family remains mostly together with some short individual absences
Closeness of extended family: Very close; inseparable from immediate family and all live together
Family power dynamic: Everyone in the household has equal power
Family values and traditions: Physical prowess and strength; religion and devotion, spirituality, serving one's deities
Community values and traditions: Physical prowess and strength; religion and devotion, spirituality, serving one's deities; community and culture, politics, getting involved in community and worldwide initiatives
Average community population: Large, 200-500
Average community closeness: Very close, everyone knows each other by name on a personal level - not always true for all communities, there can be some distance, but generally everyone knows each other
Family variation within community: More variation, a few different family structures within one overarching expected structure
Community response to travelers: Very welcoming, tourism is reasonable and people will make small talk, trade is frequent. They love tourists but don't get a lot of them.
Home permanence: Grounded, same home forever
Community relations: Moderately involved, community meetings are held regularly and some celebrations are had
World relations: Less involved, attends only major and obligatory meetings, rarely celebrations. They'd love to get there more but it's difficult
Naming conventions: No names are necessary. If one icelop wants to speak to another, they'll just start speaking to them; they are referred to by their most prominent physical trait and their area. Icelops who travel often tend to take on whatever name they see fit, which tends to be influenced by the people directly around them.
Reproduction: Mostly business, some pleasure; sex is to make children, but some people actively have fun with it
Drugs/alcohol: Little usage, non-issue
Religious groups: One major religion with no others whatsoever.
Icelop religion centers around a single idolized being that rose from the bones of centuries of dead icelops. This being represents the hunt - power, skill, luck, and companionship. All catches and fortunate happenstances are attributed to this god. It has no name but is generally referred to as the hunter, the beast, or the flesh depending on the context.
Religious importance in culture: Great importance, on the same level as trade
Religious practice in community: Practiced in all ways, at all times.
Main habitat:Tundra/arctic
Secondary habitats: Mountainous, coniferous forest, caves/low altitude, river/lake, ocean/shore
General: Anywhere that's very cold tends to be suitable for icelops.
Fauna: Arctic willow, arctic moss, caribou moss, pasque flower, labrador tea, tufted saxifrage, bearberry, diamond-leaf willow
Flora:Caribou, grizzly bear, musk ox, polar bear, snowy owl, snowshoe rabbit, wolverine, ermine, arctic fox, arctic squirrel, grey seals, penguins, elephant seals, walruses, ducks
Daily Life
Favourite food styles: Salty, sweet, bitter, pungent, umami
Favourite meal types: Protein-based, with large amounts coming from the ocean. It's eaten typically fresh and cold, or preserved with spices and herbs. They almost never heat up their food.
Food sensitivity: Reasonably specific, allergic to some unfamiliar things and prefer specific foods. If they eat plants, they will get very sick.
Housing materials:Buildings are typically built with reinforced bone foundations and thick hide walls, and in the coldest environments are usually set into the ground. Their architectural style is postmodern; it brings together very streamlined, smooth edged wide buildings with short pillars, arches, and experimentally patterned walls and roofs that take a long time to build but end up giving a very beautiful effect.
Agriculture:Little agriculture, heavily trade-reliant. They get by great with animal products and byproducts, but it's nice to have things that are exclusive to the mainland.
Main trades: Meat and animal-based food items; leather, fur and wool products; bone and nature-based weaponry; raw materials; hygeine and perfume; reproductive paraphernalia; sports equipment; home decor and goods; crafting tools and materials; charmed and cursed items.
Sports is huge in icelop communities, and a surprising amount of sports played on the mainland are inspired by or direct iterations of icelop sports.
Clothing tendency: Some rules, specific areas must be covered
Clothing styles: Moderate, and a mixture of practical, religious, and environmental. Hollow bone is woven into the outer layers of clothing to provide some form of armour; bone filled with packed bone meal is woven intricately into the underneath layers in order to also provide armour without preventing movement. Under layers typically cover the body up to the neck, elbows and knees; the hands and feet must be kept free in order to use claws. Typically they'll wear clothing lined with animal fur. They like to keep things asymmetrical and decorate with different tokens of their favourite hunts, events, and people that they've collected over time (though these generally stay on the outer layer).
Accessories: Common and decorative.
Popular arts: Visual arts, instrumental arts, dance, magic
Favoured leisure activities: Field, court, and match based sports (both land and water); dance, acrobatics, body performance; juggling, balancing acts, tightrope; home decoration; social events; divination and prediction; magic and charms; hunting and competing catches
Curation: Sports and games