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friendly websites


out-of-print book library - a free collection of out-of-print non-fiction books hosted by the metropolitan museum of art in the U.S.

worldcat - massive international library catalogue, extremely useful for finding rare books in the nearest library to you (and for requesting inter-library loans!)

sandspiel - super fun little sandscape playground thing

orb farm - create your own tiny ecosystem!

street skater - simple but entertaining skating sidescroller

fishing trouble - pay back your debts to a shady dude by punching so so so many fish

oops! no brakes - extremely fun racing obstacle course with zero brakes!

tanuki sunset classic - you're a tanuki on a skateboard. what more could you possibly want


bitfontmaker2 - free web-based custom pixel font maker

anything that moves magazine archive - community-run archive of the 1990-2002 bisexual magazine, anything that moves

filmgrab - stills from a vast range of different movies from all eras and of all genres; a great art resource!

csslayout.io - free code resource with heaps of css templates

panix.com character worksheet - super in-depth fillable form that helps build well-fleshed out characters (note: some of the terminology is dated)

tamagotchi comparison tool - a site by falltumn where you can compare different tamagotchis' features easily!

zlibrary - pretty much any book you can imagine, in varying digital formats

the internet archive - host to a range of incredibly useful tools including the wayback machine

trans history drive - a collection of trans literature and the history of transness

musictheory.net - free lessons on basic music theory!
sadgrl's layout builder - a simple HTML layout generator that i used to create this site :)

you feel like shit. - a flowchart for anyone struggling mentally or physically, to help figure out what basic stuff might help you feel less like shit